SME Grant – Dealer – E Stream MSC

Guide For SME Grant Application

First, end user need to apply Letter Offer (LO) from BSN:

  1. End user follow Grant Application Checklist and prepare all documents listed.
  2. Dealer key in SQL Product Invoice here (login accordingly SIDEC or MDEC)
  3. Self print Estream Invoice, Official Receipt with eStream Chop Sign from grant portal.
  4. End user (any person) need submit all above documents hardcopy to any BSN branch. (or courier to SQL HQ will help submit to BSN Shah Alam HQ)
E Stream Software Sdn Bhd
BSN Bank Account No. : 1010041100033427

Then, Wait for LO approval by BSN (Est after 3 to 5 Months) :

  1. BSN will SMS End user to notify for grant approve, no need sign LO anymore.
  2. Than grant money will into eStream BSN account in 2 months time after LO.
End User Eligibility
updated 10 December

Sidec (Selangor) Grant Application

End User Eligibility
Close (Grant Fund Fully Utilised)

STEP 1: Scan QR Code to pay


STEP 2: Click here to email payment info